Manage plugins

Do you need to manage plugins without logging into WordPress? From the hosting panel, you can deactivate, activate, update or delete plugins you have installed.

  1. Log in to the control panel with the correct username and password
  2. Select the website you want to change from the main screen, or from “Websites” in the side column
  3. Click “Apps” in the main menu and you will see your WordPress installation from the list
  4. Select your website by clicking on the domain name, or use the “Manage” button
  1. Scroll down the page to “Plugins” for a list of all the installed plugins on your WordPress website
  2. You are presented with 3 choices for each plugins: Deactivate, Delete and Enable Auto-updates. Choose the option that is right for you.

Note that you can also install a new plugin by pressing the “Install” button a little further up the page.

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