Create a new email account

This is how you create a new email account for your domain name and website.

It’s only possible to add email accounts for domain names for which you have created a website. If you haven’t started a website yet, read the article how to add a new website.

  1. Log in to the control panel with the correct username and password
  2. Select “Emails” from the side column and press the “Add account” button
  3. Enter the desired e-mail address and select the domain name to which the account belongs
  4. Make sure that “Mailbox” is selected and enter who the email account belongs to in “Full name”
  5. Make sure to use a strong password that you don’t use anywhere else
  6. Complete and create your email account by clicking “Add”

Once the account is created, you can connect via:

  • IMAP –, port 993 (SSL/TLS)
  • SMTP –, port 587 (SSL/TLS)
  • POP –, port 995 (SSL/TLS)

Or you can log in via your browser (webmail) by going to

Of course, you replace with your own domain name.

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